Portable fire extinguishers are needed for small fires so they won’t turn into big fires and spread through buildings. It’s important to have the right extinguishers and make sure they are strategically placed in the event a fire breaks out. It is important that all business owners have a service contract with a reputable fire extinguisher service company to assure that the business has a full complement of the right extinguishers and they are regularly serviced
. A cooperative effort between the business owner and the fire extinguishers service company assures that the business’s extinguishers are readily available and the extinguishers will work when they are needed.
S.O.S Fire Services provides testing, repair, and installation of all types of fire extinguishers. Our services comply with all state and local Fire Department requirements. We specialize in commercial, industrial, retail, and residential apartment buildings in Los Angeles County, Orange County, Ventura County, SFV, and San Bernardino County. The State Fire Marshal Law requires that all fire extinguishing systems are inspected, tested, and serviced regularly.
We will make sure that your facilities contain a working fire extinguisher through our certified inspection, testing, and routine maintenance program. Our services of fire extinguishers comply with Title 19 of the State Fire Marshal Regulations and local Fire Department Regulation requirements. All fire extinguishers are required to be maintained at least once a year or after each time of use. Fire extinguishers in California are required to be recharged every 6 years. We offer hydrostatic testing of fire extinguishers as well as relevant information regarding the proper use of extinguishing systems.
The fire extinguishers offered by S.O.S Fire Services come in a variety of types and sizes and are installed and serviced according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 10). Our installers and service personnel are certified by the State Fire Marshal and/or Contractors State License Board.
Why do your fire extinguishers need to be inspected?
National fire codes which are enforced by your local fire district. Require a certified technician inspects your extinguishers. This is done to ensure that if and when an extinguisher is needed; it works properly and safely.
A fire extinguisher inspection includes:
Making sure safety seals are not broken or missing.
Examining for damage or leakage.
Pressure gauge reading. If dial is in the green, it needs to be serviced. If extinguisher has been used, it will be refilled.
Nozzle check for clogs.
Weighing extinguisher to determine fullness.
Keeping Track of your extinguisher service:
You should always make sure that the fire equipment in your business is serviced and up to date. S.O.S Fire Services Inc assists you by keeping a record of each service we perform. When it is time for your inspection, we will call you or simply come out to do your service.
Fire Extinguisher placement considerations for the workplace:
Placed in visible conspicuous locations
Placed so they are not obstructed from view
Placed along normal paths of travel (every 75 feet)
Placed so that their operating instructions are facing outward
Placed where they can be easily reached
Placed in corridors or aisles leading to exits